Luxury Residence Management
Natoon Properties Management provides comprehensive management services for luxury residences, while keeping an expense structure and defined budget, as well as providing practical solutions for issues related to the building’s tenants and visitors.
The company’s clients enjoy an envelope of services designed according to the client’s changing needs, and based on the company’s rich experience and a structured methodology.
Our service array is based on incorporating computerized systems and fixed work procedures, which enable continuous and proper asset management, along with a open dialogue with the tenants, including receiving and applying feedback from the professional teams on site and the asset’s visitors.
Our management services for luxury residences include:
• Current maintenance management of the asset and keeping its intactness, safety and value.
• Managing all electronic and electro-mechanic systems in the asset.
• Information, control and security services.
• Management of leisure and sports centers.
• Cleaning services.
• Services of gardening, environmental design and extermination.
• Management of expenses and incomes in the asset.
• Management services for parking lots.
• Preparation for emergencies and emergency management.
• Regular management of safety in projects via a professional consultant company in the field, and in accordance with rules and regulations in the area.